Why should you consider giving to U国产情侣?

Your gift, along with the donations of others, equips students for their future while helping inspire a lifelong passion for learning and a desire to serve others. Your support is more than a temporary gift; it鈥檚 a legacy that invests in the future entrepreneurs, physicians, teachers and leaders of Central Appalachia and beyond.

Your Gift鈥檚 Impact

Student Scholarship Recipients

At U国产情侣, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to pursue higher education and achieve their dreams. We encourage you to use our resources page to learn ways to express your gratitude to university supporters. Our staff takes pride in sharing your success stories.

Student giving a tour.

鈥淎s a first-generation college student with parents who immigrated to the United States, I was always told to build as many connections as I could so that I would open up more opportunities to be successful in life. It amazes me that there is someone out there who is investing in me so that one day I could potentially invest in others.鈥

Cheikh Ndiaye/New York, NY

female student at Record Society Dinner

鈥淚 love my home, and I had always dreamed of working here and doing my best to give back to the community that has given me everything. For a long time that dream seemed as though it would never become a reality, but with the opportunities and scholarship support I found at U国产情侣, my wishes became more than a dream. They became possible.鈥

Maddie Smith/Belfry, KY

Ways to Give

U国产情侣 offers you several convenient and secure ways to support our students and our mission. It takes gifts and support of all kinds to create a strong learning and living environment for students. Each gift matters. Your support helps U国产情侣 fulfill its purpose and change lives for the better.

Donors Recognition
U国产情侣 has a variety of giving clubs and societies that recognize the many generous alumni, friends and organizations for their annual, planned and lifetime gifts to the university.

Annual Giving Clubs & Societies
New $100,000 + Society ($100,000 +)
New James F. Record Heritage Society ($10,000 +)
Trustees Club ($5,000 – $9,999)
President’s Club ($1,000 – $4,999)
U国产情侣 Club ($500 – $999)
Friends Club ($250 – $499)
Century Club ($100 – $249) 
The 鈥99鈥 Club (Up to $99)

Benefactors Plaza Bricks (Lifetime Giving)
 Terry & Judy Dotson Associates ($1,000 +)
 Chrisman Family Associates ($1,000 +)
 Burlin & Jean Coleman Partners ($10,000 +) 
 Baird Family Circle ($100,000 +)
 Chad & Judy Perry Fellows ($1,000,000 +)

Lifetime Giving Societies   
Lifetime Giving 1,000,000 + Society ($1,000,000 +)
Lifetime Giving 100,000 + Society ($100,000 +)
James F. Record Heritage Society ($10,000 +)
Dr. David Blythe Legacy Society (Estate/Wills)